Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Quick Update

Since the last post the 7 bandit angelfish babies have been doing well and are now in a larger grow out tank. They get along well together and are so cute I wish I could keep them all. I also still have some masked angel juveniles in grow out so everything is black and white and lovely, even if not colorful. :)

I'd like to improve larval rearing protocol for the bandits and have been waiting for a good batch of eggs. I did get a good spawn a week ago and although I wasn't sure which fish produced the eggs I started a larval run so as not to miss an opportunity. Then two days ago there was another good spawn and I'm fairly certain these are bandit angel eggs. So I'm now running two larval tanks (double trouble) during this busy holiday season and thinking I must be nuts! I hope I can come up with enough larval feeds, time and energy!

I don't think I'll be posting again until January (unless something exciting happens) so I'd like to wish you all a Wonderful Holiday Season and Happy New Year!
