Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 11 for the P. venusta

Today is day 11 post hatch and the P. venusta larvae are still looking strong and developing well.
I had to be brave today. I've been changing water daily but have not siphoned the bottom for fear of sucking up larvae since I can't see a thing down there in the darkness. Got a good cleaning done today and only sucked up 4 larvae which were in good shape and returned to the larval tank.

Here is a photo of one of the larvae at day 11. This larva was 4 mm in total length which is now too large for photos on the compound scope so here is an anterior photo followed by a posterior photo.

The larvae are still being fed a combination of cultured copepods and wild plankton and we will be shifting to more cultured feeds since we've had some thunder storms with rain that have resulted in an algae bloom in Kaneohe Bay where I collect the plankton.

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